Should Babies Feet Be Flat on Floor in a Bouncer

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Bouncer-should lo's feet be flat on floor?

Lo is turning 6 mons on the 23rd i went ahead and bought him a baby Einstein bouncer. I was just wondering if lo's feet should be flat on the floor? Or only his toes touching?

Heres some pictures... Is this too high or it seems fine? Also he bounces more at this level

If i go a level down his legs bend a lil and at times his feet are flat.


We have the same one and he loves it! He should be on his tippy toes- not flat footed. There are pictures of feet in the directions to show what's correct and incorrect


The way it is looks good!


We are looking into buying a bouncer, what model of Baby Einstein is this??

We have the same one and it said that their tippy toes should be touching the floor. Our daughter loves it!

According to numerous pediatric occupational therapists, babies should not be on their toes. Here is an article from

Here's a suggestion from the same article

Our dr said to make sure heels are on floor otherwise the Achilles will shorten and cause problems. We put a mat but you could use a book.

My LO is the same way but she's too short to touch the floor flat, we used to put a book under her but she just jumps right off.


Such confusing information.. We asked two different ped and they both said that feet should be flat on the ground for the reason of Achilles. They will then end up toeing and if it's severe they could end up needing physical therapy. We asked because we were given an exersaucer and we also have a baby walker..

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Should Babies Feet Be Flat on Floor in a Bouncer


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